Sunday, March 29, 2009

My tryst with CAT 08

CAT-08 :- My biggest dream till recently is now a passing affair.Cant really say if it was good or bad but definitely a ride full of fun with all highs and lows one could expect.With 99.36%ile overall and 95%ile + in all three sections,it was really an end of euphoria when i got to know that i had no call from any IIM.I have loads to write on CAT- my experience,preparation phase,result and my wrath on selection criteria of some IIMs(though no use crying over the split milk-its still important to analyse why the milk split) and finally those terrible GD-PI experiences.I find GD-PI process such a pain in the ... that i would rather give CAT thrice then GD-PI once.but could not do away with it and finally attended the calls from MDI,IIT-B(SJMSOM) and IIT-D(DMS).Now awaiting results due next month..So friends wish me luck !

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